How can your career benefit from building a relationship with a single recruitment consultant?

There are many aspects of a job search that can cause stress & anxiety in recruitment.
- Filling in endless application forms
- Uploading your details to every job board known to man
- Endless calls from Recruitment professionals
- Sneaking off to take calls during the working day
- Researching & preparing for interviews
- Negotiating your offer
- Handing in your notice
Partnering with one recruiter can relieve you of a lot of worries. Allowing you to concentrate on your performance at work.
Open & honest relationship
Building a relationship with a recruiter will be beneficial for job searches not only now but in the future. If you let them know your likes/dislikes in a role, qualifications to date and where you see your career taking you in the future then they can produce a road-map to set you on the right track.
Fostering this transparent relationship could well be the smartest move you can make in your career. An open and honest partnership will save you time applying to roles that are not matched to your experience through lack of information available to you in job ads & specifications.
Let them do the leg work
A recruiter spends their days monitoring jobs boards, translating job specifications & talking to hiring managers. You could say searching for jobs is their full-time job!
So why not let them look for yours too?
Between Indeed, CW Jobs, Monster, CV Library, LinkedIn, Reed, JobServe & Total Jobs. You could spend a good chunk of your day sifting through adverts, looking for a role that interests you. This doesn’t even account for the extra research needed to find the roles that you could miss out on. As they are only listed on a company’s website.
By having a single conversation with a specialist recruiter who focuses on your sector. Assured that they will know what to look for in a job opportunity for you and where to find it.
Only the most relevant roles
Working with a recruiter and allowing them to act on your behalf during your job search will prevent the stress of uploading your CV to a jobs board contacted by countless recruiters harvesting your information to then call you about the many fantastic roles they are working on that are perfect for you.
Working with a single recruiter can bring much-needed clarity to your job search, and career as a result.
Any consultant worth their salt will take the time to understand you, what you are looking for & work around you. To develop some fantastic roles that really are perfect for you.
This is because they will manage your job applications and scheduling without you needing to lift a finger.
Think of them as your personal career development assistant.
Knowledge of the employer
A recruiter has a professional vested interest in introducing good quality candidates to their customers, so you know that your consultant will only contact you about roles they know you are a strong fit for.
They will also give you the inside track on what you can expect and how best to impress them. These can be factors such as;
- Company cultural values
- Short, medium & long-term plans
- Workplace practices
- Project road-map
- Induction process
- Social events & activities
Imagine heading into an interview knowing how to approach questions thrown at you.
Upon a successful interview, your consultant will leverage their relationship with the client, to ensure you receive the employment package you are looking for. Taking the pressure of salary negotiations off your shoulders.
Discretion at the heart of everything
As a society, we are moving away from the tradition of staying with a single employer for the duration of your career. A change of scenery occurs on average in I.T. once every 18-24 months. Though you are not likely to publicise the fact that you are checking out the grass over the fence.
This is where a relationship with a recruitment consultant can be worth its weight in GOLD.
Your consultant can get to work right away without an updated CV. They will have a great idea of your projects & qualifications. Giving you time to finesse your edits.
Knowing where to, and where not to, introduce your name. Ensuring no businesses you'd rather avoid contact you.
Understanding your working day, the flexibility of your current employer and other commitments, they will organise telephone calls for when you are free. You can even ensure face to face interviews are all scheduled on a single day, so you make the most out of your days taken as annual leave.